Utah wedding and portrait photography

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How helpful are photography "rules"

The other day I was showing some pictures, and on one of the images I was showing, someone made a comment. They praised the tones, the exposure, stuff like that, all the technical choices—but not a peep about how it made them feel.

And I get it—sure, rules matter. But they’re not the point of the whole thing. They’re just a framework, a scaffolding to create something that moves you. They hold the thing together but they aren't the thing.

Nobody remembers a perfect histogram but they do remember the image that stayed with them. The image that made them feel something.

I was bewildered by that comment and didn't know how to respond. I just said Thank you. And I hope one day, that person will ease up on policing the rules, keep appreciating their purpose since they do serve a purpose, and start seeing photography the way it was meant to be seen—for the joy of it all, the story that's embedded, and hopefully, the emotion.

This picture isn’t even in focus!

You can’t even see this person’s face!