Unlock the full potential of your photography journey through personalized mentoring that goes beyond the ordinary. In a world flooded with images, standing out requires more than just technical skills—it demands a unique perspective and a keen understanding of your own creative voice. I worked with a mentor for many years and I just can’t overstate how valuable it was. I learned so much through a mentorship that I never would have been able to figure out on my own, or it would have taken me three times as long.

A mentorship with Justin Hackworth can provide:

  1. Tailored guidance. This one-on-one attention is specific to you, your goals, and current skill level.

  2. Artistic development. Photography is not just about taking pretty pictures—it’s about telling a story. I’ll help you hone your vision and create work that is distinct and compelling.

  3. Technical expertise. Shortcut your time digging through confusing manuals or searching YouTube videos and quickly learn technical mastery.

  4. Business acumen. If you’re pursuing photography as a business endeavor, my 25 years as a working photographer can give you insights into branding, marketing, client communication, and everything related to creating a sustainable business.

Option one: Three pack ($475)

Three meetings, 90 minutes each session. The meetings can be on Zoom or in person (preferably in person, but either works great). As I’ve met with other photographers over the years, I’ve learned that it’s hard to do something meaningful and lasting with one session. With at least three sessions, it will give us a chance to nail down your goals and tailor your assignments specifically for you and what you want to accomplish.


Option two: Six pack ($650)

Six meetings, 90 minutes each session. The meetings can be over Zoom or in person. I’ll assign curated tasks, specific to you, to help you work on the areas where you want to see growth. It’s not like school, though. They’ll be assignments you can’t wait to get working on.


Option three: Shoot-along ($750)

In-person shoot at my studio in Provo, 3-4 hour session. I’ll bring in a model for us to photograph and I’ll walk you through my process, including what I’m looking for, how to light the subject or where to look for great natural light, how to talk to the subject to get them to relax, and many other helpful ideas and insights into a successful portrait shoot. Then it will be your turn to photograph the model. After both of us have photographed the model, we’ll take a look at your images and together discuss what’s working and what can be improved for the next time you shoot. You’ll also be sent on your way with an assignment to help you cement what you’ve just learned.


How to determine if a mentorship is right for you

To have a successful mentorship you’ll want to work with someone who has a similar outlook about photography and whose style matches your vision. There are a lot of different styles of photography. I would describe mine as a documentary or photojournalist approach. That is, I’m more interested in making images that reflect a true version of what’s happening in front of the camera, rather than crafting or creating an idealized world. Both approaches to photography are valid, but you’ll want to find a mentor whose own work matches the kind of photographs you want to make.

I have been a working photographer since 1999 and am continually trying to improve my craft. There has never been a point at which I’ve thought, I’ve learned enough. I’m good, now. I’m still exploring, trying new things, and pushing past where I’ve been before. I always want to be better at this today than I was yesterday. And I love sharing with others what I’ve learned along the way.