Provo engagement portraits
Mackenzie and Dylan are getting married and I'm looking forward to photographing the wedding, soon.
I met Mackenzie when she was a photography student in my class at UVU. She then came to work at Justin Hackworth Photography in the fall of 2014 when she did a fantastic job as an intern. Her very first day at work we had a photoshoot at the studio with about 30 people, including the Mayor, Donny Osmond, Mindy Gledhill, C Jane Kendrick and a whole room of Provo movers and shakers. Not every day was as exciting as that. But that was a long time ago. Now, meet Mackenzie and Dylan.
Film images from this post developed and scanned by Alpine Film Lab.
Las Vegas family portrait photography
Jeff and Laura and great parents. I go to their house sometimes, and the kids are reading books or making stuff, or involved in some creative task. I don't know how they do it, but I want them to come do a four week hands-on workshop at my house on how to get parenting right.
Here they are, photographed in Las Vegas (where they live).
Meet the Archibald family.

Provo Engagement Photography
William and Emily, engaged.

Favorite photographs of 2015
Here's a short slideshow with some of my favorite images I took in 2015
Mother daughter portraits
Three generations of mothers and daughters.
Stephanie Nielson's back to school feast
She does it every year, plans a back to school feast a day or two before her kids head back to school. They have a fancy meal, all the kids get a stained glass star (they're creating quite a collection) and Stephanie and Christian pick a theme for their school year--something to remember to keep them going. A scripture, or an inspirational quote. I've photographed back to school night five or six times, now.
Here's the back to school night feast of 2016.