Five pictures of three people.
Laurelin and Jordan came to the studio in Provo to be photographed on the occasion of their son's first birthday.
Five pictures of three people.
Laurelin and Jordan came to the studio in Provo to be photographed on the occasion of their son's first birthday.
It took four days, but we got it done. In September, I photographed every full time employee at BYU Broadcasting (nearly everyone--some were out of town).
I really love how these turned out, and I've got to hand it to BYU Broadcasting for not settling on the safe, straight-forward, head and shoulders shot, but instead, be willing to get something with a little more personality, pizazz, and quirkiness. They told their employees they could bring a prop if they wanted that reflected something about their personality, job, or outside interests (so that's why you may see a dog or fly rod in some of these, among other things).
The shoot was set up so that I'd have a decent amount of time with each person. Long enough for me to learn something about their life, their job, their personality, and then make a portrait that was a reflection of that in some way.
Meet the folks at BYU Broadcasting! Click on any image to view it larger.
The Mecham Family
The wedding of Tiia and David.
Click on any image to view it larger.
Musician portraits for Ryan Innes. I don't know anyone who has a better voice than this guy.
Five years ago Cari and Drew came to Sundance to get married. They returned five years later to celebrate. Part of their celebration was family pictures, now that they have 33% more people in their family than when they got married.
Meet Cari, Drew, and O.
Olivia + Clint, photographed before their wedding.
If you don't already know about the company Chatbooks, well, there aren't very many of you left. They're taking over the planet! It's a brilliant idea and a great company. That's because brilliant people cooked up the idea. Founder Vanessa, and co-founder Nate (they're husband and wife!) have a wildly successful business but say they're just getting started and I can't wait to see how Chatbooks continues to grow. (And if you really haven't heard of Chatbooks, check out this hilarious video).
So Vanessa and Nate run a great company, but they've also got a great family. And they came to the studio a few months ago to be photographed. Their kids are growing up, moving on, spreading their wings, and they felt it might be one of the last times to get a picture of them all together for a while.
Meet the Quigley family.
Justin photographs big families with lots of kids or families just starting out and he wants to photograph you.
Let's talk.
In high school, Annie learned to drive her fathers 1982 diesel Mercedes. When, as an adult, it was time for another car for her family, she told her husband about how much she liked that 1982 Mercedes. Her husband searched secretly to find the perfect option, and found one from a lady in New Jersey, and without Annie knowing, had it shipped to Utah as a surprise. Now, Annie's kids drive that car to school, the car they named: Beauty. It just made sense to include Beauty in the family pictures.
Meet the Oldham family, and the Oldham family auto, photographed in Provo Canyon.
Ruby and Lee wanted a different wedding. Low key, just family. No party. Just a get-together the night before. So that's just what they did. Family members gathered at Ruby's father's house in Salt Lake and had dinner, and make beautiful speeches and tributes to Ruby and Lee. The next day they got married in the Provo Temple, across the street from my studio. There were a few formal pictures taken, there, then Ruby and Lee came back to the studio, just the two of them, for a few more pictures. And that's it. Then off to the honeymoon!
I met Ruby a few years ago when I photographed her sister Meredith's wedding in Santa Cruz. I was always hoping she call me when it was time for her wedding. And what do you know!
Meet Ruby and Lee. (Click on any image to view it larger).
Justin Hackworth photographs extravagant weddings or small gatherings and he wants to photograph you.
Let's chat!
I first met Lara when their first-born, Baker, was just a teeny little thing. Now, he's all grown up. Lara told me that everywhere they go, everyone wants to say hello to him. As soon as we left their house to walk over to where these pictures were taken, the first car that drove by was a van full of girls. They rolled down the window and called out, "HI BAKER".
Meet the Henry family, photographed near their home in Spanish Fork.
Justin photographs families with responsible kids or kids that are...more carefree, and he wants to photograph you. Let's talk!
Mindy Gledhill, Dustin Gledhill, photographed for their band Hive Riot, in my studio.
I've been photographing the Makin's since before they had kids. Now they have two. With that newest addition, Jessica hired me to visit them in Los Angeles and photograph them at their home.
Meet Jessica and Jeff and more.
Justin photographs families in California and New York and everywhere in between, and he wants to photograph you.
Let's talk.
Hey, look! It's Becca Barlow and her family. This is the third time I've photographed them. Her brother is moving to the midwest (I want to say Tennesse?) so they wanted to gather for pictures before he and his wife took off for who knows how long.
Justin photographs long time clients or first time clients and wants to photograph you. Let's talk.
Here's Sydney's bridal portraits, and Tyler, all dressed up fancy, too, came along to be in the pictures as well. Photographed in Provo Canyon as well as my studio.
Sometimes people ask if I rent the studio in Provo. Well, yes I do! Go here for more info.
It was a year ago when I drove to Twin Falls for a funeral. A young guy. Too young. Father of five, and husband to Emily. I’ll tell you the truth, I’m not comfortable taking pictures at a funeral. I see value in it and I’ll do it, especially if it helps a hurting friend, but it’s not something that is easy for me.
Most of the funeral guests had already left the cemetery, after all the hugs and kind condolences, and after the balloons had lifted off into the sky, just Emily and a handful of family were left. Emily walked to the casket and sat alone with her head down. I can’t even imagine what kinds of thoughts were going on in her head. I can’t imagine how you process the loss of a spouse. By the time her daughter came up to her, I couldn’t tell if I was getting things in focus or not on account of some tears. It was one year ago today when I took the saddest picture I’ve ever taken.
Here is Ashley and Erez, from Chicago, photographed on a chilly Spring morning in Park City., Utah. But I'll bet the weather will be fantastic in September when I photograph their wedding! Looking forward to that.
Meet Ashley + Erez. Engaged!
The Smith family bought a house in Provo and then went to work on remodeling it. An endeavor that took about a year. Once finished, they wanted to get family pictures taken in the new space the night before they moved in.
Meet the Smith family.
Justin Hackworth photographs families in new homes or old homes and he wants to photograph you. Let's talk.
A little out of season? Ah, come on. It's always time for some cute costumes.
For the last two years, a few days before Halloween, I send out an email to those on our newsletter list, and invite them to bring their Halloween costumed kids of any age to the studio for a quick and complimentary portrait. (How do you get on the newsletter list? Easy--go here).
It's such great fun (and maybe kind of noisy) and the costumes these kids show up in are so stinking cute.
I'll probably do it again this year, but you never know. Here are a handful from last year. Click on any image to view it larger.
Remember to sign up for our newsletter if you would like to be notified the next time we do this.
The Hakonson family, photographed recently at my studio in Provo.